
<a href=" Slab" class="display-item">Flesh Slab</a>

Flesh Slab

Art by Anarchisme

Exploring: Common in The Chasm and The Couloir
Hunting: Common (Chasm)
Rolls high.

  • CHASM FOOD ITEM - Eat for a +10 Attack Boon  but a -10 Temporary Debuff to a Random Non-Attack stat in the Ixi's next roll.
  • CHASM FOOD ITEM - Overrides Radiation Sickness. Can be eaten by an Unsteady Ixi of any tier without any fail chance. Can be eaten by an Uncertain Ixi of any tier without stat gain being halved. Can be eaten by a Defiant Ixi of any tier without stat gain being halved or stats being randomized.
  • Can be used in Kitchen recipes - has a high chance of causing temporary stat debuffs but also causing special effects that allow the food item to counteract radiation sickness.
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